Tuesday, July 20, 2010

floral dress and hot pants

Last night I went to Ciwalk with Yati to buy some groceries. Since it's been more than a month I haven't do the shopping, everything is finished or at least it almost finish. But somehow I didn't buy much cause we decided to watch movie. Yea, I really hate to carry those heavy plastic bags into the cinema.

When we first arrived at Ciwalk, we're heading straight to the cinema. we planned to the earlier movie so we could go home early.. But at the counter...

Lady : mau nonton film apa?

Yati : Inception

Lady : Jam 9 ya ada nya

We : OK

Ok, the 7-ish and 8-ish were full. and FYI, there are 3 theaters showing Inception. can you imagine??? ALL FULL! We bought the tickets and off for dinner.

We were really hungry. So we decided to have something heavy to treat our big tummy. We chose the Platinum. Each time I went to Platinum, it will reminisce the good-old-first-year memories which my friends and I went to Platinum almost every week. What I can say is that when we were first year, things were quite cheap. We always have extra money by the end of the month. But now if we do things that we did in first year, I can guarantee that we gonna end up broke. I had no idea what to have, and Nasi Ayam Hainan looks delicious in the picture. Yati had the steamboat set.

When we were waiting for the movie, I realized that most of the girls wearing floral dress and hot pants. Heeeee.... Soo SUMMER! I can tell that Bandung is raining everyday and it is so cold at night and sometimes during the day. However, I did wear my floral dress. so I'm not left out right? hehehe.

Then I meet the Indian clan (without Shaliny) in the theater. Shaliny went home yesterday I guess. The movie was good but I was quite sleepy. Ok, its not the movie, it is me. I'm quite tired and sleepy. Its about the 3 layers of dream how they want to change someone's mine about something. Worth to watch at the cinema. hehehe...

p.s: if your momma ask you where do your money goes? you should tell her to blame on the fats that you have. :)

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