It started with July 26th... Daddy called me in the morning. I was "oh, daddy's wake up call"
Dad: dah bangun?
me: baru je *yawn* (tak tipu la kan)
Dad: mama ada kirim barang utk Atan. Kawan die datang Bandung. nanti pergi amik ye
me: siapa kawan die? nak pergi amik kat mana?
Dad: kawan cbn. die kan skrg fb2. Hotel Holiday Inn.
me: ok!
me texted mama : hi ma. good morning. pagi td papa call. suro kakak g Holiday Inn jumpa kwn mama?
Mom replied as usual. yes. mama bg some food... my friend is Wan Dura.. bla bla bla...
I was thinking.. Mom won't ask people to bring things for me unless it is emergency.
In the evening, I told mama I'm otw to the hotel. I might be late coz it was heavy traffic. it took me almost 1 hour to reach hotel. So I texted ma. She said her friend will meet me at the lobby so I just have to wait.. when the elevator door opened.
There you go... my two angels... I run to them and hugged them... *cried*
However, it was wonderful that they came to Bandung only for my birthday. I got the chance to celebrate my birthday with my favourite girls and my lovely friends. We had dinner at Kartika Sari. Thanks to Papa and Mama for the dinner. Thanks for friends for attending the dinner, the birthday cake, and gifts. I love it all.. oh, and thanks for all the surprises. *heart you people alot!*
Cake from friends
From the lovely family : Mama, Papa, Ainil, Ujang
From Mithra, Dinish, Punithaa and Shanti
From Tommy and Irvani
Not forgetting for those who send me warm wishes... big thanks for you guys. *heart*
I feel happy, loved and love my family and friends...
Happy birthday to me...
I am Yazmin Rashid and I am 24.
salam,happy birthday meen...sweet 24. wish u luck n may Allah bless u dear...miss u so much...=) -nur-
ReplyDeleteThanks Nur. miss you too :)