I dressed up and went to Superindo to buy the ingredients. I went with Yati since she was sleeping over at my place.
When I reached home, I prepared all the ingredients for the burger. The vege, the coleslaw, and marinated the beef. Drools.. Drools.. but I'm full since I had my lunch at Singgalang. Oh btw, Singgalang is not as nice as before. Toink..
*I'm sorry about the fugly pan*
Since I promised Zafirah, I invited her over to my place to enjoy my burger. The burger was damn rich! Thicker than the big mac. I had to pressed the burger so it can fit in my mouth. I think my burger was delicious. But I don't know. Maybe you guys don't like it. I don't care.
We had burger while watching Disturbia, an old movie. But everyone is so quiet eating their burger until one of us say "kenyang gila makan burger ni" Then we talk, talk, talk... hmmm. Girls just can't stop to talk kan?
Then we off to McD. I had McFlurry Warna Warni. Actually, it is Smarties la. There was an Arabic family in McD. Cute guys and pretty ladies. Then we imagine ourselves married to an Arabic man. *laugh, laugh, cough, touchwood!* Imagine someday Zafirah or I wearing black robe with hijab? Ok. Don't imagine that. Just not yet.
We bought a DVD on the way home, The Last Song. Just a sweet romantic movie. But Miley Cyrus is damn pretty! and Liam is Hot! Oh I bet Zafirah will put Miley Cyrus as her daughter's name. hehehe. Then, we had murtabak telor. Ok, Girls sleepover means can't stop talking + eating like pigs + movies.
I fell asleep quite early, while the our third movie of the day, Juno. Then everyone went to bed too.
And again, I'm the one who up early. Since I have foods in the fridge, I made them breakfast. I cooked fried vermicelli. When they all up, we had breakfast and Zafirah went home.
I really enjoy my weekend. Thanks a lot GF! But tomorrow is Monday. I'm super excited to meet Monday but I still hate it a little. Who knows if my Monday is going to be the best Monday ever kan? hehehe... *heart*
p.s: thanks to Zafirah for the lovely pics
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