Dad is someone we really love, someone that we idolize, someone we respect, someone we need when we're down, someone who give his everything to give us a better future, someone who really important in our life.
We know we love them and we need when we feel sad and we cry when we have to leave them. Actually it really hurts. Saying goodbye to dad (or mom) really makes me down. It makes me think if I'm gonna be okay to stay alone or can I make it here alone. It freaked me out.
Since THAT day, I haven't meet my dad. Mom was with me to give me warm hugs and she made me believe in myself again and I thank God for that. However, life was so stress up, down, dark and blurry. It took me at least a week to stop crying.
When dad came down, I felt much better cause all this while I felt so guilty. I might give him trouble, I caused him sleeping late at night worrying about me. Sigh! I'm just too bad right? But then, he didn't say about all the troubles. All he did was giving me support so I can stand up and focus on the next exam.
The weekend was wonderful. I was with my dad and I wished mom was here too. Sadly, she's at home :( Okay, maybe papa should spend more time with me than golfing. LOL! Luckily, he brought Ikmal with him to accompany me. heeeee.
*Papa.. smile la sikit macam ni :))*
I really thankful for having them as my parents. They never get bored giving me support and they always trust me. I really owe them a big time. Thank you mama and papa. I love you very much till the end.

Oh, now I miss home.. I wanna go home!
Pssst: I took this from FB , "Every girl may not be a queen to her boyfriend/husband but she'll always be a princess to her DAD. This is why they say a girl's dad will remain 'THE MAN' in her life forever".
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