Do you know the song Price Tag by Jessie J? Alah, the one sounds like "it's all about the money, money, money, bla bla bla bla" yeah that one! So I got interested with a phrase in the song "why is everybody so obsessed? money can't buy us happiness", it made me think is that true?
From MY point of view lah ni...
People who said they can't buy them happiness is sooo wrong. Money is a part of people's happiness. You can't expect money to give you such a happy life like what you get when you're so freakin' in love with someone, when you think you're on the cloud 9. But wait! think back. would you be happy when you're running outta money? Can you have pleasant food? Can you go to your favorite place?
Do you realize nowadays whatever you wanna do you need to have money? Cause I'm sure when you're short in money, you gonna be thinking of it all the time. Least you'll think of the way to get it more. And Im pretty sure it bothers you much. Even people commit suicide for money right?
Do you feel happy when it bothers you much? Do you feel happy when money limits you?
Tell me, when you're down, what usually you do to make you feel better? Out for good food?
If money can't buy you happiness as you expected, money still you a temporary happiness. Period!
So I think everyone should be obsessing over money. Cause when you partner is being a total bitch, you still have money to put a smile on your face. HaHa.
Errr... Not too obsess please. you're scaring people!
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